What do you do when someone brings up politics at work?
LinkedIn brought Gregg into their studio to create a short video about talking politics in the office. In the video, Gregg gives specific, common sense suggestions about what you can say to diffuse tension and keep yourself out of trouble.
The video is accompanied by Gregg’s article “Why It’s a Bad Idea to Talk Politics at Work (and how...
In “Ivanka Trump Doesn’t Flinch,” Fast Company talks with Ivanka Trump about her company and how she’s dealing with this charged election season.
Fast Company consulted Gregg Ward about Ivanka’s loyalty to her father during his presidential campaign, especially in light of the recent allegations that have surfaced about Donald Trump. According to Gregg, in the eyes of the public, “Any child or...
Dennis Moore of San Diego’s East County Magazine has high praise for The Respectful Leader: Seven Ways to Influence Without Intimidation.
In his recent review, Moore calls the book “timely” and says The Respectful Leader is “well-written,” “insightful,” and “a primer for respect and good behavior in all aspects of life.”
Thanks to Mr. Moore for the great review!
Read the full review.
Gregg returned to Good Morning Washington to discuss the apologies we heard from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton during this past weekend’s second presidential debate.
Trump’s apology concerned the controversial 2005 video that recently surfaced, while Clinton apologized yet again for the email scandal. Gregg reviewed the 7 steps that make up a Full Apology and graded each candidate on how...
In the recent article “Science Now Says: Employees Looking for a Job Want to Get Caught,” Inc. Magazine consulted Gregg Ward on what happens when an employee begins to search for a new job.
According to Gregg, employees unconsciously let it be known that they’re looking for another job. “Brain science tells us that when we’ve decided that we no longer value our job, we are more...
Gregg went on air at News Radio 1140 WRVA to discuss the recent Wells Fargo fiasco and what happens when employees feel they have to do what they’re told or lose their jobs.
In a high-pressure work environment where employees may face these kinds of choices, Gregg said that it’s the responsibility of management to have enough respect for both employees and customers to steer clear of these...
Gregg Ward recently appeared on Good Morning Washington to discuss what makes a good apology.
Gregg talked about how to make a “Full Apology” with Autria Godfrey. He explained that it’s often hard for people to apologize because they feel guilty and uncomfortable. Gregg outlined the seven steps that anyone can use to genuinely and effectively say “I’m sorry.”
Watch the video here.
Gregg Ward, whose new book The Respectful Leader recently achieved best seller status on Amazon, was featured in Kathy Caprino’s article “How Not To Broadcast Your Job Search To Your Employer, and Leave ‘Dirty’” in Forbes Magazine.
The article explores the best and worst ways to leave a job. Gregg discusses why people choose to quit their jobs and what leaders can do to keep employees. He...
Cyrus Webb, host of Conversations LIVE, invited Gregg Ward and Walter G. Meyer, co-authors of The Respectful Leader: Seven Ways to Influence Without Intimidation, on to his show to discuss respect and leadership.
During the interview, Gregg talked about his reasons for writing the book and why he has made a career out of helping leaders become more respectful. Walter discussed what it was like...
Wondering what respectful leadership is all about? This week, Incentive published an excerpt from The Respectful Leader: Seven Ways to Influence Without Intimidation that discusses the basics of respectful leadership.
Learn why people are breaking away from the command-and-control leadership style and gravitating towards respectful leadership instead.
Read the article.