This article originally appeared in Hollywood Digest on March 15, 2023. You can access it directly here.Gregg Ward is my kind of guy. After years of sifting through numerous corporate and leadership advice books, the often maligned nonfiction subcategory has hope yet. With the release ofRestoring Respect, Ward comes across as warm, affable, and genuine. He also genuinely knows his stuff, and with the promotion of his corporate philosophy CfR (Coaching for Respect), he lays a systematic, pragmatic groundwork for an increasingly postmodern and improved workplace model.“Coaching for Respect™ is a ten-step process that uses concepts around respect and disrespect, along with relationship coaching, psychology, and conflict and alternative dispute resolution techniques to facilitate and support the restoration of some level of respect to, and the repair of, work relationships that have become dysfunctional due to loss of respect,” Ward explains in a key passage. “So, if you have colleagues who have fallen out with each other due to perceived disrespectful behaviors, andifyou have the willingness, the positional authority, the coaching and conflict resolution skills, and the patience to try something supportive and collaborative first, andifthe participants are genuinely willing for you to try this strategy with them, andiflegal and HR have signed off (I know, that’s a lot of ‘ifs’), then theCfRprocess may be exactly what’s needed to help turn that relationship around.”