Imagine you’re in an important business meeting with your boss and colleagues, and you’re in the middle of making a crucial point. Suddenly your boss interrupts you, dismisses your idea, and takes over the conversation. Odds are you’d be annoyed to say the least; your heart rate may increase; your face might flush, and you may feel the need to move your limbs, to do something physical like...
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
Gregg Ward joins 13 Forbes Coaches Council members chosen to contribute to their Expert Panel, where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership.
Today’s work arrangements are increasingly flexible. Technology allows individuals to do the same caliber of work whether they’re in the office or...
Gregg Ward joins top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel offering firsthand insights on leadership development & careers.
These days, it seems new technologies are developed and released almost daily. Leaders of young businesses may think they need to implement the latest tech immediately to keep up or, if they’re in tech development themselves,...
Gregg Ward contributes to the Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership development & careers.
No matter where we look, it seems there’s always information of some sort coming at us. Whether we’re browsing the Web, scrolling through social media, listening to the radio or watching TV,...
Gregg Ward speaks up on the Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel, where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership development & careers.
Public speaking isn’t easy for everyone. Some get the jitters just introducing themselves to an audience, and even experienced speakers may still get butterflies before stepping on stage....
Gregg Ward joins other Forbes Coaches Council Members as they contribute to the Expert Panel where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership.
As a business owner, you
understand the value of each of your clients. However, not every
arrangement turns out to be mutually beneficial, and at some point you
may find it necessary to...
One of my first real jobs after college was working as a temp in a college in New York City. I’d been assigned to a crazy busy office in the adult training department. The boss had me keying printed training manuals into our new Apple IIe computer, which required me to save my work onto floppy discs (anyone remember those?).
But I got so busy, sometimes I forgot to save my work. One afternoon...
Gregg Ward is one of 15 Forbes Coaches Council members chosen to contribute to their Expert Panel, where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership.
Every leader faces trying times, both internally and externally. Those external factors are often the most difficult to contend with, since they’re outside of...
Gregg Ward contributes to Forbes Coaches Council’s Expert Panel where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership.
Leaders have an overwhelming number of
responsibilities, often distracting or isolating them from others.
Unfortunately, this sometimes impacts their ability to truly hear their
team’s concerns and...
Are deadlines and production quotas casting a shadow over your team’s enthusiasm on the job? Are you asking the right questions along the way? A lot has been written about a leader’s role in helping employees tap into their passion on the job, yet a 2014 Deloitte study suggests lack of excitement is a big weak spot in America’s workforce. Researchers found up to 87% of workers aren’t achieving...