Do you want to make your organization more respectful, but aren’t sure how to make it happen? Forbes contributor Brent Gleeson outlines leadership skills you can use to drive change, based on concepts that Roger Connors and Tom Smith present in their book “Change the Culture, Change the Game.” Try these tips to effectively implement change in your organization’s culture.
Lead. It’s important to understand that adjusting company culture is the responsibility of leadership, not HR. Change starts at the top, and leaders must be dedicated to the cause, willing to take initiative, and able to follow through. Define what you’re trying to accomplish with the change, make a “cultural beliefs statement” that others can refer to, and talk with your team about why change needs to occur.
Get – and respond to – feedback. You’ll be under a lot of scrutiny from your employees during a transition. Asking them for feedback will show you support transparency and that you care what they think. Pay attention to the feedback you receive without making excuses or dismissing it. Instead, adjust your behavior and lead by example.
Emphasize communication. Making a change requires frequent and effective communication and collaboration throughout the entire organization. Foster communication and empower your team to help you drive the change.