Your opinion is your opinion, your perception is your perception–do not confuse them with ‘facts,’ or ‘truth.’
– John Moore
Unless you’ve been permanently holed up in a SCIF (a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) for the past four to five years, you’ve probably noticed that these days strong opinions are being flung about the world at hyper speed and coming from all...
This article was originally published by Thank you Maya Hu-Chan for allowing us to republish your work.
If you’re met with silence when you ask for input, these tips can start a dialogue.
A question I often get from my clients is, “How do I get my employees to speak up?” They ask their teams to share their opinions and speak their minds, but they are most often met...
This article originally appeared in FAST COMPANY on May 22, 2023. You can access it directlyHERE.
For decades, employees have been told to pay their dues, to “deal with” workplace disrespect and drama, and that earning their bosses’ approval was priority number one. But now, it’s a different ballgame.
Today’s millennial and Gen Z employees—who make up nearly half of all full-time U.S....
This article was originally published in AIMA (All India Managment Association)
Creating high-performing teams is a tough thing to do. Keeping them high performing is even tougher. To crack the mysteries of high performance, consider this wisdom: ‘Successful people consistently do what other people only do occasionally. Successful teams are packed with successful people. If we could...
I’m proud to say that I have three millennial children, none of whom come anywhere near to living down to the negative labels affixed to them by our society and the media. They are – like so many of their peers whom I’ve encountered in the last ten years – most certainly not entitled or selfish, nor are they slackers, nor do they expect participation trophies for everything they do....
This article originally appeared in Leadership Now on April 7,2023. You can access it directly HERE.
Name-calling. Stereotyping. Micromanaging. Foul language.
Is your workplace a hotbed of disrespect—and are productivity and collaboration tanking because of it?
When co-workers, managers, and their subordinates lose respect for one another, it negatively impacts their work and the work of the...
Join Erika and Gregg Ward as they discuss his new book Restoring Respect and the Restoring Respect workbook. Tune in here and learn how to bring people back together into functional working relationships.
This article originally appeared in CEO World Magazine on Feb 24,2023. You can access it directly here.
Are your actions and behaviors as a leader worthy of respect? It’s a simple—yet loaded—question.
While you may believe other people should treat you with respect because of your status, authority, or position, you can’t expect they automatically will. The Respectful Leader will make an...
This article was featured in CU Management
Why leading respectfully matters, plus six ways to build a culture of respect at your organization
Most people don’t think about respect very much unless there’s a lack of it. And then, that’s all they think about. It turns out that respect in work relationships is far more important than most of us imagine.
At theCenter for Respectful Leadership, we...