What can you do when your boss makes you look bad? When you’re unfairly blamed, your reputation is on the line. Fight back (respectfully, of course), with these tips from Gwen Moran’s Fast Company article, “What To Do When Your Boss Throws You Under The Bus.”
Keep your cool. Don’t overreact or get angry – stay calm and remain professional. Make sure that you have all the information about what happened, especially if you heard about it from someone else.
Keep records. Document the details of what happened so that you can defend yourself against unfair and untrue claims. You should get into the habit of documenting positive things, too. When you’re asking for a promotion or a raise, it helps to have a list of achievements on hand.
Understand their personality. Know who you’re dealing with and why they did what they did. In some cases, you can stand up for yourself directly, while in others it might be better to involve someone else.
Go to HR. If it’s a big or recurring issue, go to HR for suggestions on what to do. They can give you ideas on how to cope, or even help you find a job somewhere else in the company. You’ll be helping them to identify problem managers as well.
For more suggestions, read the full article.