Being passed over for a promotion stings. Losing out on a chance to advance your career can be demoralizing and make you feel unmotivated to keep working harder. However, it’s important to process these negative feelings, move forward and continue pursuing the next opportunity.
Gregg offers advice to help you handle this difficult situation. Read the full article here on Forbes to learn what...
2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least. If you or your organization have had the luxury of staying neutral on matters of social justice in the past that is certainly no longer the case.
When it comes to matters of humanity, society wants to know: Where do you stand? And who do you stand with and for?
Many organizations and high profile individuals are grappling with how to express...
Photo by C Drying at Unsplash
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the folks who don’t want to wear a mask, and I want to say to them, “I hear you.”
First of all, there’s no question in my mind, masks are really annoying. I wear glasses and they’re always fogging up when I wear my mask. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten into my car only to realize,...
In 1987, I found myself standing in front of 20 New York City police officers in a Manhattan classroom to teach them how to successfully manage people with emotional disturbances when they become confused, angry and a potential threat. I’d just started my career as a soft skills trainer, and, as terrified as I was, I also knew that being in the room with those cops and bringing to bear my...
Gregg Ward was featured in the Business2Community article written by Blair Nicole Nastasi
Odds are your employees, stakeholders and customers are uncertain and fearful about their personal and professional lives. Leading people who are experiencing crisis and grief is not an easy feat, and it’s more important than ever to lead with respect and empathy.
“It’s vital that leaders...
Last week, the NYPD police commissioner, James P. O’Neill, fired Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who many believe recklessly caused the death of Eric Garner while arresting him for the relatively minor offense of selling loose cigarettes in a park in 2014. As someone who served as a specialist trainer to the NYPD during the 1980’s, this entire saga weighs heavy with me.
Decades ago, while working...
Imagine you’re in an important business meeting with your boss and colleagues, and you’re in the middle of making a crucial point. Suddenly your boss interrupts you, dismisses your idea, and takes over the conversation. Odds are you’d be annoyed to say the least; your heart rate may increase; your face might flush, and you may feel the need to move your limbs, to do something physical like...
Gregg Ward speaks up on the Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel, where top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership development & careers.
Public speaking isn’t easy for everyone. Some get the jitters just introducing themselves to an audience, and even experienced speakers may still get butterflies before stepping on stage....